Lydia Fund Lineup
Browse Lydia Fund’s complete fund line up

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Welcome to a Different Way of Thinking – and Feeling – About Investing

Committed to Faith and Community
Lydia Fund is steadfastly committed to maintaining portfolios that do not contain loans from any company or individual that is promoting an agenda contrary to the teachings of scripture.
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Helping Churches and Ministries
As a member of the Lydia Fund community, you're working alongside us and others to grow and enrich the ministries and community lives we share.
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Growing Your Ministry or Nonprofit
In running your nonprofit or ministry, managing your financial and people assets is top of mind. We offer our professional services and trusted expertise to help you pursue and achieve these goals.
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Charitable Loan Products
As a financial ministry that shares your values, we believe all of us make better decisions when we integrate our values with our decision-making. That’s why we offer a charitable loan option that helps to direct your fund toward developments that last.
We Can Help You DecideAbout Lydia Fund
Lydia Fund is steadfastly committed to maintaining portfolios that do not contain loans from any company or individual that is promoting an agenda contrary to the teachings of scripture, or is actively participating in activities that may prove destructive to our communities at large.
We believe our loan choices can reflect our values and make a positive impact on communities around the world. We call this stewardship investing, and we integrate these principles into many of our charitable loan options.
High-quality products
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Happy Customers
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High Income
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